Random Thoughts and Other Important Stuff

January: The Month of Kick-Assedness

I went into this year with a single resolution: to be the best version of myself that I could be. I’m calling it my…

A Slight Service Interruption…Please Stand By

If you’re not directly involved with the publishing industry, you may not have heard about the Pronoun debacle. What is Pronoun? Well, it was a third-party…

Whaddya mean it’s DECEMBER already?!

All right, hands up all of you who looked at the calendar this morning and suffered near immediate heart failure. Because surely I can’t…

The Week in Pictorial Review (November 2)

So it turns out that I was wrong in my last newsletter…Facebook says it isn’t going to take page posts out of people’s newsfeeds. Yet. But…

Shadow of Doubt…now on an audiobook near you!

Good morning, lovely peoples of the internet! How are you today? I am totally over-the-moon excited (thank you for asking! 😉 ), because Shadow of Doubt releases as…

Because Stuff Happens

In the past four days, in preparation for my 30th anniversary getaway with my husband, I’ve had my hair cut and highlighted, I’ve had…

Hold Your Breath: A Review

It’s been a really, really long time since I set aside an entire day for reading just so I could finish a book…but that’s…

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