Random Thoughts and Other Important Stuff
Chills, Thrills & Supernatural Spills!
Guess what, guess what, guess what!!! Wait. A brief catch-up, first, because it’s been a little while ahem since I last posted here, and…
Impact vs. Intent: The Unintended Consequences of Writing it Safe
Fact: I am a cis-gender, heterosexual white woman. I was born and remain unquestioningly female; and I have been happily (more or less 😉…
Writing Through (and Despite?) the Chaos
The human condition is a flawed one indeed. The past year or so has made that painfully, excruciatingly obvious. And I gotta tell you,…
The Halt and the Lame
Weekend before last, on Mother’s Day to be exact, I broke my left baby toe. It’s about the sixth or seventh time I’ve done…
Best Giveaway EVER!!!
Guys!!! I have a new giveaway running…and I am soooo excited for this one. It has just about killed me not to tell you…
Because yes, the world needs more letters
I love social media. I really do. I love how it has connected (or reconnected) people all over the globe. I love that it…
Grant me patience…but hurry!
I’ve decided that I’m in the wrong business. Oh, I’m not going to give it up anytime soon, but I’m definitely in the wrong…
Another new cover! And an e-book!!!
If you’ve checked my website’s home page or my Facebook author page lately, you may have noticed the quiet addition of something new…as in…
New covers and giveaways and stories…oh, my!
We’re a week into February, and my kick-ass streak continues! Well…except for the part where I get distracted by a good book. I’ve been…
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