Random Thoughts and Other Important Stuff

Life + Creativity = Chaos

Sometimes… Sometimes, despite our very best intentions (and efforts), creativity just… doesn’t go as planned. Like when the weather turns so cold that your…

Creativity in the midst of chaos

Dear gods above, it has been A. WEEK. O.o Insurrection. Political insanity. COVID numbers skyrocketing. And I don’t know how many other awful bits…

Testing… testing… Is this thing on?

*Writer walks up to blog ‘microphone’ and taps it. A loud squeal emerges. She clears her throat.* Hey, there, she says. Long time, no…

Thoughts on a birthday

I turn 58 years old today. That makes me five years older than my father was when he died, and five years younger than…

In praise of dogs

A few months ago, it occurred to me that, in all the books I had written (nine at the time), I had never once…

A Book of Firsts

So this is happening later this week… The release of Abigail Always, the newest book in the Ever After series, takes place on Friday, March…

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