All right, folks, it’s gearing-up-for-release time, and I’m scrambling to put together everything for my physical launch here in Ottawa as well as my upcoming blog tour (March 21 – April 26). Some of you may have noticed that I’m not very consistent with the whole blogging thing, and there’s a reason for that: I am crap at coming up with things to say. ย I agonize more over what to say in +/- 250 words than I do in an entire novel. Okay, maybe not…but you get my drift. ๐
Anyway, I’ve come up with one idea that I think would be fun: an interview with my husband from a “what it’s like to live with a writer” kind of perspective. Great idea, right? The only problem with this stroke of brilliance on my part is that it turns out that I’m as much crap at coming up with questions as I am at coming up with topics.sigh
So…here’s how you can help. If you were reading an interview of this kind, what kinds of questions would you like to see asked? For those of you who don’t already know, my husband is a cop and acts as my police procedural encyclopedia, so if there’s anything about his role in the process that you’d like to know about, ask away. I’ll pick 5-10 questions (depending on how involved they are) and you can see his answers during the blog tour.
Oh, and if you happen to know him personally, do me a favor and don’t mention this to him? I kinda haven’t gotten around to telling him about it yet… ๐
Oh, oh, oh…and if you have any other topics you’d like to see me address during my blog tour, please feel free to suggest those, too! Please? ๐
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