You know how it is when you let a small thing slide here and another there, and you put off x, y, and z because they don’t really need to be done right away, and then one day you look at ALL THE THINGS and you realize your molehill has grown into a monster and you’re reduced to mixing your metaphors in horrible ways in order to describe it?!?
That would definitely be me today.
So it’s going to be a “get my erm…stuff…together” kind of day, I think. This is how I see it unfolding:
- I’m going to start by finding my desk (I know it’s under here somewhere).
- Then I’m going to make lists of ALL THE THINGS I have to do.
- Then I’ll prioritize those lists.
- Then I’ll start doing ALL THE THINGS instead of just contemplating them.
- Then, at the end of the day, I’ll feel so much better and so accomplished, and life will be under control again.
I think so, too.
And I’ll get started right after coffee.
Really. 🙂
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