Last Saturday, my husband and I went out for our usual weekend breakfast date. We did some brainstorming for book 4 in the Grigori Legacy series, caught up on his week and mine, and then — as it often does — conversation turned to the publishing industry and social networking issues.
Hubby is very interested in my foray into publishing and, as a tech-savvy guy, finds the whole social networking arena fascinating. This means that he asks some pretty astute questions and makes some very good points. I, being the writer that I am and ever on the lookout for blog fodder, tend to punctuate the discussion with exclamations of “Ooh…that would make a great blog post.”
Of course, you may just have to trust me on that.
Because by Monday? I couldn’t remember a freaking thing we’d talked about.
Oh, I still have the book 4 brainstorming stuff tucked away (I tend to play scenes in my head over and over again, so they have a better chance of sticking!), but the rest of it? Poof. Gone.
This Saturday, I’ll be taking a notebook with me to breakfast. Until then, I hope you enjoy imagining <insert really good blog post here> — and have a wonderful day! 😉
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